A Virtual Assistant is Beneficial to Your Business


According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), the average small business owner spends up to 40% of his or her time on administrative work. As a small business owner, did you know that trying to do everything yourself costs you 40 to 60% in lost revenue?

Forward Thinking

Doing your own administrative work cuts into the time you have to devote to those core revenue-generating areas. If you don’t have the skills and resources to do that work well, it will take you longer. If you don’t like doing certain things, you’ll keep putting them off, creating more and more backlog. All of which ends up zapping your energy and wasting precious time and resources, not saving them.


Using a Virtual Assistant (VA) can not only save you time but also save you money. Most VA’s are more experienced and more efficient, therefore VA’s need far less time to complete the project and get great results. Virtual Assistants are independent consultants; we cover our own insurance, taxes, and business expenses. 

We want to support you as you focus on running a successful business!

Call: 208-321-4115



Stressed out and just not sure how much more you can take? Not able to give the consistent high level of service you have always given?
Stress is an energy zapper so reducing stress will, in essence, add time to your day because your energy levels will be higher and your focus will improve. Working with a Virtual Assistant will reduce your stress by taking tasks off your plate so you can become more productive, efficient and focus on the bigger picture, growing your business.